Posted 12:58, 9 October 2011
Sunday 9th October
Bellenden Bun Fight
Now in it's 5th year
...and biscuits, cakes, tarts, pies, jams & chutneys.
Bring entries here between 10am and 12 noon then come back at 3pm for the judges pronouncements and...
for each category, a "best in show", kids (over & under 8's).
Entry fee per entry is £1 which is donated to a different local charity each year. After the prizegiving entries can either be retrieved or donated to be divided up and sold off to raise even more cash for a good cause. You don't have to enter to help - just come along after 3pm and buy something delicious.
Prizes have been donated by your local business owners!
For their generosity and support we thank Ganapati restaurant, Andersons Deli, Old Villa, Fenton Walsh, Melange chocolate shop, Frog on the Green deli, Gareth Sambidge, Roullier White, Franklins Farm Shop, review bookshop and Toutes Directions. And not local but also helping out with some prizes are Quadrille publishing, Waitrose and Starbucks.
This year we will be donating funds raised to Art Clubs at Peckham Space. While the Peckham Space programme has funding from various sources Art Clubs do not and rely upon community fundraising to help pay for materials and workshop leaders. Art Clubs run during school holidays for children to drop into for FREE to engage with creative and educational activity. Up to 70 children per day attended the clubs over the summer holidays.